November Newsletter
Pastor's Note
Any discussion of November invariably brings with it a discussion of giving thanks. It is one of those things that happens every year and, I can’t help myself, I am thankful for it. It isn’t just the changing leaves and the cooler temperatures or even the one Sunday when I will feel as though I got to sleep in a little bit, no it is the fact that I have so much to be thankful for. This will be our first Thanksgiving traveling to GA since 2019. It is a time when we get to see our family in the South. So much has happened in the two years since we were last down there. I am thankful for all of it.
For many of us this will be our first Thanksgiving back with family and we will need to relearn so much of what that looks like. Sure, the food will be much the same but we may need to spend some time in prayer, not only giving thanks, but also because we might be filled with a new appreciation for all we have been given. When it comes to giving thanks, I am often reminded of what someone once told me about the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve couldn’t stop staring at the one tree which they knew they should not eat from, we can be sad only because we know that they eat from it and lose their place in the garden, but also because they stop noticing all the other trees.
I think what was mean by that is this: we can too often become fixated on the one blessing we do not have and lose sight of all the blessing around us if we took time to look. This is not simply power of positive thinking but allowing ourselves to remember that even our first parents did not get all the blessings. Thanksgiving, if it is to be construed as a Christian holiday, must be looked at in these terms. What does it mean not only to give thanks but to remember the great gift we have in believing in a God who is not distant but is with us in Jesus Christ, a God who prepares a table for us, and only desires that we show up to the feast.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I hope that is filled with food, laughter, and family. I know that for many of us it will also be filled with memories of those who cannot be with us. In those moments be unafraid to voice your grief, and in the midst of it, give thanks for the hope we all have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am Thankful to be your Pastor!
For many of us this will be our first Thanksgiving back with family and we will need to relearn so much of what that looks like. Sure, the food will be much the same but we may need to spend some time in prayer, not only giving thanks, but also because we might be filled with a new appreciation for all we have been given. When it comes to giving thanks, I am often reminded of what someone once told me about the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve couldn’t stop staring at the one tree which they knew they should not eat from, we can be sad only because we know that they eat from it and lose their place in the garden, but also because they stop noticing all the other trees.
I think what was mean by that is this: we can too often become fixated on the one blessing we do not have and lose sight of all the blessing around us if we took time to look. This is not simply power of positive thinking but allowing ourselves to remember that even our first parents did not get all the blessings. Thanksgiving, if it is to be construed as a Christian holiday, must be looked at in these terms. What does it mean not only to give thanks but to remember the great gift we have in believing in a God who is not distant but is with us in Jesus Christ, a God who prepares a table for us, and only desires that we show up to the feast.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I hope that is filled with food, laughter, and family. I know that for many of us it will also be filled with memories of those who cannot be with us. In those moments be unafraid to voice your grief, and in the midst of it, give thanks for the hope we all have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am Thankful to be your Pastor!
Upcoming Events
Annual Pancake Breakfast and Sausage Feast - November 7
Boy Scouts of America Troop 2 invite you to attend their Annual Pancake Breakfast and Sausage Feast. The event will take place from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 7 in Bethany’s Great Room. The entry fees are Adults - $6, Senior Citizens - $5, and Scouts in uniform or Children <5 - $3. Come hungry!
Annual Congregational Meeting - November 21
The Annual Congregational Meeting of Bethany Presbyterian Church will be held on November 21, 2021 at 9:30AM (between the two morning worship services) There will be no Adult Sunday School that day. The purpose of the meeting is to elect Elders, Deacons, Auditors and the 2022 Nominating Committee, and to approve the 2022 Terms of Call for the Rev. Dr. Brian Janssen.
BYG Friendsgiving Dinner - November 21
BYG NEWS - November 21 BYG will be having our first annual Friendsgiving Dinner from 4-6 pm Please join us at youth group on November 7th as we make plans for our dinner.
Thanksgiving Meals – November 22-24
Bethany Presbyterian Church and Crossroads Church are teaming up again to deliver special Thanksgiving meals to families in the community! Last year, our efforts fed more than 1,000 people! This year, we are seeking volunteers to donate food, assist with the meal preparation, and deliver meals. All volunteers must have access to a car and be able to physically load the meals into your car. Volunteer Today:
Friendsgiving Luncheon and Advent Wreath Event - November 28
The Discipleship team has decided to extend the Thanksgiving holiday by hosting a “Friendsgiving” luncheon directly following the 10:45 a.m. service on November 28. Bethany will provide the main entree but asks that you bring a side, drink or dessert to share (please note what you plan to bring when you RSVP). Attendees will also have the opportunity to make an advent wreath. Let’s gather together as a church family to kick-off the Advent season.
Kids Night Out: Santa’s Workshop - December 4
Bethany will be hosting a Kids Night Out at Santa’s Workshop from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 4. Children of all ages are invited to attend to do some Christmas shopping (they will need their own money to purchase gifts), eat dinner, and watch an age-appropriate Christmas movie with popcorn and concessions!
Presbyterian Women Christmas Gathering - December 11
The Presbyterian Women will be hosting their Christmas gathering on Saturday, December 11th. All women of Bethany Church are invited to attend.
Boy Scouts of America Troop 2 invite you to attend their Annual Pancake Breakfast and Sausage Feast. The event will take place from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 7 in Bethany’s Great Room. The entry fees are Adults - $6, Senior Citizens - $5, and Scouts in uniform or Children <5 - $3. Come hungry!
Annual Congregational Meeting - November 21
The Annual Congregational Meeting of Bethany Presbyterian Church will be held on November 21, 2021 at 9:30AM (between the two morning worship services) There will be no Adult Sunday School that day. The purpose of the meeting is to elect Elders, Deacons, Auditors and the 2022 Nominating Committee, and to approve the 2022 Terms of Call for the Rev. Dr. Brian Janssen.
BYG Friendsgiving Dinner - November 21
BYG NEWS - November 21 BYG will be having our first annual Friendsgiving Dinner from 4-6 pm Please join us at youth group on November 7th as we make plans for our dinner.
Thanksgiving Meals – November 22-24
Bethany Presbyterian Church and Crossroads Church are teaming up again to deliver special Thanksgiving meals to families in the community! Last year, our efforts fed more than 1,000 people! This year, we are seeking volunteers to donate food, assist with the meal preparation, and deliver meals. All volunteers must have access to a car and be able to physically load the meals into your car. Volunteer Today:
Friendsgiving Luncheon and Advent Wreath Event - November 28
The Discipleship team has decided to extend the Thanksgiving holiday by hosting a “Friendsgiving” luncheon directly following the 10:45 a.m. service on November 28. Bethany will provide the main entree but asks that you bring a side, drink or dessert to share (please note what you plan to bring when you RSVP). Attendees will also have the opportunity to make an advent wreath. Let’s gather together as a church family to kick-off the Advent season.
Kids Night Out: Santa’s Workshop - December 4
Bethany will be hosting a Kids Night Out at Santa’s Workshop from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 4. Children of all ages are invited to attend to do some Christmas shopping (they will need their own money to purchase gifts), eat dinner, and watch an age-appropriate Christmas movie with popcorn and concessions!
Presbyterian Women Christmas Gathering - December 11
The Presbyterian Women will be hosting their Christmas gathering on Saturday, December 11th. All women of Bethany Church are invited to attend.
Posted in Newsletters