September Newsletter
Pastor's Note
One of the things I love most about Paul’s letters are his opening words. The repetition of the same formula – start with a litany of titles, announce he’s an apostle, state that he is set apart for the gospel of God, and lastly give thanks – is comforting and an aspect that I love of Paul’s writing ministry. He gives thanks for the people to whom he writes. He understands God’s grace is demonstrated in the saving power of Jesus Christ. He loves Israel’s history and its fulfilment in Jesus. He desires for the church to be witnesses to the gospel. All of it, though, begins with thanks, “I thank my God through Jesus Christ, for all of you.” (Romans 1:8a).
As we move into a wonderful and busy Autumn together, I want you all to know that I try to echo Paul every day. I give thanks to God for all of you. We know what the Autumn brings. It brings the beginning of school (which for some began the day I wrote this,) it brings hectic schedules, it brings football, and activities. Autumn for me always begins with giving thanks for the church. I am thankful for the saints of Bethany Presbyterian Church. Thank you for an amazing summer here, for worshipping with us, for joining us in mission work, and ministry. I love that Paul gives thanks because it reminds me to do so but also reminds me that all the work we do for the Lord is grounded in, and begins with thanksgiving. I have come to learn that giving thanks to God lowers anxiety and leads to a more fulfilling day.
It is easy during the Autumn season to lament all the summer things we didn’t get done, to get bogged down in seemingly relentless schedules. But when we begin with the ritual of thanksgiving everything changes. Far from being pie in the sky, power of positive thinking, this grounding of our day in a ritual of thanks, opens us to God’s grace, and makes us more receptive to it. Did I mention it lowers anxiety? We want the ministry we do here at Bethany to do that very thing, we want you to enter these doors, and more importantly to exit them after having experienced God at work in this place, full of hope and a new perspective ion the world. I hope that September brings that very thing to you, I hope that you see God at work all over the place. I hope that you are able to give thanks!
As we move into a wonderful and busy Autumn together, I want you all to know that I try to echo Paul every day. I give thanks to God for all of you. We know what the Autumn brings. It brings the beginning of school (which for some began the day I wrote this,) it brings hectic schedules, it brings football, and activities. Autumn for me always begins with giving thanks for the church. I am thankful for the saints of Bethany Presbyterian Church. Thank you for an amazing summer here, for worshipping with us, for joining us in mission work, and ministry. I love that Paul gives thanks because it reminds me to do so but also reminds me that all the work we do for the Lord is grounded in, and begins with thanksgiving. I have come to learn that giving thanks to God lowers anxiety and leads to a more fulfilling day.
It is easy during the Autumn season to lament all the summer things we didn’t get done, to get bogged down in seemingly relentless schedules. But when we begin with the ritual of thanksgiving everything changes. Far from being pie in the sky, power of positive thinking, this grounding of our day in a ritual of thanks, opens us to God’s grace, and makes us more receptive to it. Did I mention it lowers anxiety? We want the ministry we do here at Bethany to do that very thing, we want you to enter these doors, and more importantly to exit them after having experienced God at work in this place, full of hope and a new perspective ion the world. I hope that September brings that very thing to you, I hope that you see God at work all over the place. I hope that you are able to give thanks!
Upcoming Events
Pastor Brian’s Installation Service - September 12
We will officially be welcoming Pastor Brian as our Senior Pastor on September 12. The service will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be followed by a dinner. We look forward to seeing you there! Please RSVP online or contact the church office so we have a headcount for the dinner.
RSVP Today:
Golden Oldies Luncheon - September 16
Come and fasten your seat belts as we escape to Ireland as we enjoy some tasty food and Irish music.
Rebuilding Pittsburgh - September 25
Join our Mission Team in spending the day helping out a local homeowner with Rebuilding Pittsburgh on September 25 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Our Project team leaders this year are Nina Morse, Tom Morse and Kevin Strouse. All ages and skill levels are welcome. We do have plenty of lower-skill work so anyone can participate. The last few years have been a fantastic experience and we are looking forward to blessing another homeowner this year.
Register Today:
Trunk or Treat - October 30
Mark your calendar! Trunk or Treat is coming back this year and we are so excited to see everyone’s creative trunk ideas!
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Golden Oldies Trip - November 2 and 3
The Golden Oldies are going to see “Esther” at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, and “Momma Mia” at the Apple Dinner Theater. We will be leaving on Tuesday, November 2, and returning on Wednesday, November 3. You do not have to be a Golden Oldie to come along. Two people sharing a room is $325.00 per person. Reservation forms are at the reception desk.
We will officially be welcoming Pastor Brian as our Senior Pastor on September 12. The service will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be followed by a dinner. We look forward to seeing you there! Please RSVP online or contact the church office so we have a headcount for the dinner.
RSVP Today:
Golden Oldies Luncheon - September 16
Come and fasten your seat belts as we escape to Ireland as we enjoy some tasty food and Irish music.
Rebuilding Pittsburgh - September 25
Join our Mission Team in spending the day helping out a local homeowner with Rebuilding Pittsburgh on September 25 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Our Project team leaders this year are Nina Morse, Tom Morse and Kevin Strouse. All ages and skill levels are welcome. We do have plenty of lower-skill work so anyone can participate. The last few years have been a fantastic experience and we are looking forward to blessing another homeowner this year.
Register Today:
Trunk or Treat - October 30
Mark your calendar! Trunk or Treat is coming back this year and we are so excited to see everyone’s creative trunk ideas!
Register Today:
Golden Oldies Trip - November 2 and 3
The Golden Oldies are going to see “Esther” at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, and “Momma Mia” at the Apple Dinner Theater. We will be leaving on Tuesday, November 2, and returning on Wednesday, November 3. You do not have to be a Golden Oldie to come along. Two people sharing a room is $325.00 per person. Reservation forms are at the reception desk.
Posted in Newsletters