Glimpses of Grace
Dear Friends,
This Sunday we will be continuing to look at what it means to “run with the horses”, to live fully, courageously and authentically for God. As we will see with Jeremiah and also a parable from Jesus, God wants to be in a relationship with us; and that means to be honest, open and trusting with God.
This prayer is one I wrote that was my expression of honesty with God. We will be praying it together on Sunday. I invite you to begin now. Just take out the “we” and put in the “I”, as I did when I first prayed it.
And oh yes, join us on Sunday.
See you then,
John Hamilton
A Busy Person’s Prayer To a Patient God
Lord, we have been awfully busy this week,
too busy to stop and pray,
too busy to face honestly our own sins,
too busy to look for You in all of life,
too busy to show your love to the broken or those closest to us.
In other words, we have been too busy for You, Lord
…or so we thought.
Forgive us, Lord for thinking and living such nonsense –
that we are too busy for You.
Help us to set aside our busyness and self-importance
and turn to You…
in prayer and a humble spirit,
in openness and obedience.
And then help us to see the healing
that will take place in us and in our land.
Thank You, Lord, that though we are awfully busy,
You are awe-fully patient and merciful with us.
In your Son’s name…
This Sunday we will be continuing to look at what it means to “run with the horses”, to live fully, courageously and authentically for God. As we will see with Jeremiah and also a parable from Jesus, God wants to be in a relationship with us; and that means to be honest, open and trusting with God.
This prayer is one I wrote that was my expression of honesty with God. We will be praying it together on Sunday. I invite you to begin now. Just take out the “we” and put in the “I”, as I did when I first prayed it.
And oh yes, join us on Sunday.
See you then,
John Hamilton
A Busy Person’s Prayer To a Patient God
Lord, we have been awfully busy this week,
too busy to stop and pray,
too busy to face honestly our own sins,
too busy to look for You in all of life,
too busy to show your love to the broken or those closest to us.
In other words, we have been too busy for You, Lord
…or so we thought.
Forgive us, Lord for thinking and living such nonsense –
that we are too busy for You.
Help us to set aside our busyness and self-importance
and turn to You…
in prayer and a humble spirit,
in openness and obedience.
And then help us to see the healing
that will take place in us and in our land.
Thank You, Lord, that though we are awfully busy,
You are awe-fully patient and merciful with us.
In your Son’s name…
Posted in Glimpses of Grace
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