
Remembering How We Got Here

May 30, 2021    Michael Arrington    The Neighborhood Academy

We are welcoming Michael Arrington, Chaplain of The Neighborhood Academy, as a guest preacher for both worship services this Sunday. The Neighborhood Academy is a faith-based, college preparatory, independent school whose mission is to break the cycle of generational poverty by empowering youth and preparing them for college and citizenship.

The Neighborhood Academy, comprised of a middle school and high school, is designed to
remove every barrier that prevents young people from thinking about their futures and the steps needed to achieve their goals. Our holistic set of programs ensures that all issues affecting young people are addressed. Students who cross our threshold enter into a tight-knit network of concerned adults who constantly evaluate their progress; in return they commit to valuing their education, setting new habits of heart and mind, and growing into adults with character who will contribute to their communities.