
Thank Offering

Nov 8, 2020    Presbyterian Women

Join us Sunday for our special Thank Offering service with the Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA). This year's guest speaker will be Madel Beck, a missionary to the Lacroix New Testament Mission.

Audio Information:
Dial-In: +1.888.958.7272
Passcode: 266188330

Guest Speaker:
Madel Beck is a missionary to the LaCroix New Testament Mission. Her and her husband Dan moved to Haiti in 2018 to start a technical school. Madel never dreamed she would be moving to a third world country after growing up in the Philippines. But she knew that her and Dan were being called to do this and she has excelled at serving God’s children. Madel works with the sewing class and is working on a new silk-screening project to help support the school.

Madel has 2 children and 2 step children. Her and Dan were married in 2016 and reside in Coldbrook, New York when they are not in Haiti. Dan and Madel are members of Crosspoint Church and served on the mission team before becoming missionaries.

Madel is also part of the worship team and leads in vocals and guitar during services. Her walk in faith is amazing and she is looking forward to sharing this with the members of Bethany.

About Thank Offering:
In 1888, when Eliza Clokey of Springfield, Ohio, urged each woman to give one dollar over and above her usual contribution to the Women’s General Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian Church of North America as a “thank offering to her Lord,” women responded, and the Thank Offering was born. Women gave
sacrificially and were credited with saving the worldwide missionary movement of the church at that time. Since 1988, Presbyterian Women has granted more than $26 million to nearly 1,700 different projects worldwide through the Thank Offering.

For more information on the 2020 Thank Offering recipients, read the July/August issue of Horizons magazine or go to www.presbyterianwomen.org/thank.