The Officers and Board of The Bethany Golden Oldies hope you will try us out to see if Bethany Golden Oldies can help fill your day with Friendship, Fellowship, and Food in a Fun-loving Friendly group as a “lively youngster”.
Oldies Board – Carole Aspinall, Dolly Rastetter, Shirley Petrillo, Diane Cook, Dolly McCrea
and many other dependable helpers.
and many other dependable helpers.
Upcoming Events and Activities
We gather on the third Thursday every month. Most arrive around 11:30. Meetings are over by 2 p.m. To see a complete listing of upcoming events, including upcoming trips, please view the weekly bulletin or main church calendar:
Who are we?
A group of active seniors who enjoy having a good time with longtime friends and new friends.
Where do we meet?
At Bethany Presbyterian Church, in Fellowship Hall. Yes, there is handicap parking.
What do we do?
We go on day trips, overnight trips, hear programs that are entertaining, informative, listen to wonderful musical programs or play games. Sometimes they simply visit with their friends.
Is there a meal or snack?
Every lunch is a fresh cooked balanced meal with yummy desserts.
Is there a meeting?
We begin with a welcome and prayer then enjoy a tasty lunch, a devotion, short meeting and a program.
Do you have to join?
Yes. Membership in Golden Oldies is required for everyone who is not a member of Bethany Church. The enrollment period for membership for 2023 is now closed. New members are no longer being accepted.
If you are a Bethany Church member who would like to join, please contact the church office.
If you are a Bethany Church member who would like to join, please contact the church office.
Who may join?
Yes, anyone may join. Golden Oldies is part of Bethany Presbyterian Church’s outreach ministry. We have members from many communities and from many different churches. Ages from 55-100 younger or older are welcomed.
Helping Others
We ask everyone to bring a can or two of food each month for the Bridgeville Area Food Bank. We also help our shut-ins during the holiday season.
Something to consider – Everyone likes perks!
- Bring your free meal coupon and enjoy a meal and program with us. See for yourself if you would like to have a good time with lots of fun and laughter with this group.
- The annual dues are $20. Your meal will cost $8 instead of $10 and you will get a discount on the next field trip.
- Sometimes we need extra help with set-up, serving, and clean-up after the meeting. Your help will always be appreciated.
How many usually come?
We currently have 80 to 100 “youngsters”, between the ages of 55 to 100 who want to have a good meal, hear an interesting program, and enjoy spending time with long time friends, making new friends, talking, sharing stories, laughing and having fun. No one is too old or too young. Moaning and groaning are not allowed. We are non-political and handicap accessible.
We always have room and food for more.